Thursday, May 29, 2008

A trip into the past...

Going retro...

Here's my outfit for today. It reminded me and also my mom of old 1900s girls' athletic uniforms... strange huh but its true! (They got to wear skirts luckies...) It was nice and comfy and just right for the weather.

Shirt: (my mom's) Patagonia
Skirt: Urban Outfitters

Ignore the phone-- I was talking to my friend (Nati! Love her) and I was trying to multi-task.

Have a good Friday! 

Love, Eliza


emsie said...

Really like your outfit. Great skirt.

It was shot in Iceland I think..

Adele said...

haha this is weird because thats vertually the same as my PE outfit about 5 years ago when i was in year 7 :D
but i hated it then n used to get out of PE just so i didnt have to wear the skirt lmao! but looks so good now lmao!!x