Sunday, June 22, 2008

Ok well I haven't posted that much recently, but summer is definitely putting like a lazy effect on me! I've been shopping, eating numerous frappuchinos, and sleeping until noon. I'm too lazy (you see!) to post all the little things I've bought, but there are a couple of things I can tell I'm going to get a lot of use out of, such as a navy shirt with white sailor stripes from J. Crew, some jean shorts from H & M, etc. In other news, my mom gave me two old vintage dresses, one is Cacharel, and it's floral, and the other is French Connection (not f.c.u.k.!) with teeny little polka dots. They are both long, the Cacharel one is amazing, but kind of... colonial, so I'll see what I can turn it into. My mother also said I could have this blazer she has from her high school uniform, which I'm sure you'll see popping up everywhere in my outfits later this fall. She's going to give me her old Marc Jacobs floral shirt that I wore a couple posts ago, in the dress-up one. I'm very excited! OH, one more little thing. I went to American Apparel, except I was by myself, which was unfortunate because I never look at the sizes. So, little old me bought an extra large pink t-shirt with a pocket, 

so I'm making it into a dress. Revolutionary idea, I know. But I'm also going thinking of brightening it up a bit with some buttons along the top of the little pocket. Possibly. If I'm not too lazy.



Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Summer summer summer

Ok folks it's that time of year! I'm so excited for summer, although school hasn't technically ended yet- tomorrow... so like, 15 hours from now 7th grade will be over and summer will have officially begun! This means sunshine, swimming, no rules (esp. dress code- argh), and all over happiness!
You can tell I'm pretty excited... haha sorry, I've been counting down the days! 
So here's my summer schedule so that you can know when to check back:
  • For the next two weeks, until the 28th, I will be at home, so I'll be posting every once in awhile until then.
  • After the 28th, I'll be gone for two months at camp. I'll be back by mid August, but I might be doing some more traveling, maybe to Santa Monica, CA to see my friend... but mostly I'll be here and I will do my best to write some interesting posts. 
Ok, have a good night.

Love, Eliza

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Dress-up time.

Trying on my parent's clothes is so fun!

Jacket- dad's 
Belt- dad's

Shirt- dad's (where did he get that from? strange...)
Belt- dad's
Skirt- Urban Outfitters


Or non-belted?

My best hobo-chic:
Shirt- dad's
Belt (in the 1st one)- dad's
Scarf- bought at a music festival. 

Shirt- Marc Jacobs, from like 10 years ago (probably). Who knew?
Skirt- Urban Outfitters

Dress- mom's
Belt- dad's
Sweater- Urban Outfitters

That was fun...