Saturday, May 17, 2008

I went shopping :)

Ok just a quick post to tell you what I bought yesterday when I went shopping.

  • First I went to American Eagle. It's kind of a teeny bopper (I love saying that) store but there are some things there that are great if you pick through the preppiness. I got a a shirt and a skirt, not to be worn at the same time:
This is the shirt, it's not such a great picture, but it has little flowers on it. I found it in clearance and it's actually a medium, but it'll be extra flowy that way!

Here's the skirt, again not a very good picture (darn web cam!), but it's pleated, and to make it fit you there's a little string so you can tie it just right.

I also got a sweatshirt, but it's not so interesting and fashionable I'm going to take a picture of it. It's yellow and kind of off the shoulder. 

  • Anyway, after that, I went to Commander Salamander, which I've never been to. It was pretty rad but not really my style. One thing I found there that I loved were suspenders! I've wanted them for a really long time, and now I have some red ones, and Abby has yellow ones. (i got suspenders yea i got suspenders... word!)
  • And last I went to H&M which was so fun except we went there last and we couldn't buy anything because we only had like $20 left. But I managed to find a couple little things that just caught my eye, like:

This plain white shirt. It's very simple, but I like the little braidy thing at the top. 

I also got this teensy little bag, which is just right for running out with only my phone and my wallet, and it's really cute too.

So that's it. It was fun!



P.S. I got the new Teen Vogue this afternoon! :)

1 comment:

hannah said...

love the green top!